Aryavart has been working for orphans and underprivileged children for the last 10 years. In October 2022, we started a free education center (saraswatishiksasankul) for 60 underprivileged children from the slum area of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Children from all corners of the world deserve a quality education, something recognized as a fundamental right in most nations.
We run a center where we educate them before or after school hours for one/two hours for about 60+ slum children so that they acquire basic learning skills, do their homework, solve their difficulties, spend their quality time on learning and growing together, and imbibe positive values like personal cleanliness-hygiene. We also give them citizenship training so that they become change agents in the community, become enlightened citizens and contribute to the nation’s development in their own way. As we all know, only developed citizens can develop the nation.
We strongly believe that we need to invest most in children and youths by inculcating the Right Knowledge, Right Skill and the Right Attitude to make our beloved country lead to humanity.